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Passive Crossover Networks



Do you remember what we have said about bipolar capacitors in their lesson? They are formed by two elements connected together and if these elements are equal in capacity it would result in a single capacitor of halved capacity — and double size. Well, it was just a preview of what now we'll go to develop by formulas:

capacitors in parallel

Ctot =


capacitors in series

Ctot =


inductors in parallel

Ltot =


inductors in series

Ltot =


resistors in parallel

Rtot =


resistors in series

Rtot =


speakers in parallel

Ztot =


speakers in series

Ztot =


Let's stop here. You'll have realized that somehow the topic crossovers opens up to indirect themes that we have deliberately avoided so we don't complicate the exposure. It will be clear therefore that even the complete acquisition of the previously enunciated concepts won't be enough to make an electroacoustic engineer out of you. The hope is instead that we have succeeded in making things just a little bit clearer, using simple language and minimal technical jargon to make the concepts more comprehensible to the majority. It's certainly possible that to some of you the topic was so unpleasant as to be irksome and bothersome, despite our best efforts. To those people we would fraternally suggest considering something other than crossover design. To all the rest, our thanks for your participation and a sincere wish for a good job.